
How Do I Overcome Sin & a Lack of
Faith in My Life?


Dear Beloved Pastor Curt & Ellie,

My name is (name removed).

I meet with accident year 2010 at the age 27 due for it spinal cord injury and doctor said I'm lower limb paralyze and medicine forever, and recently doctor said that may have cancer because of one of my testis is up in body since baby and now only we know it can bring to cancer.

My family was in Hindu background and after I meet with accident somehow every one of us in Christ now.

I'm still worry at my condition and really when ever I receive Bible Verse from Pastor it's Jesus talking.

I just only said to my mum, even bible say I got measure of faith but I don't know how to feel the faith, worrying and suffering everyday.

When my age starts 17 to 27 I enjoyed with unwanted things like disco, drugs, girls, prostitution, lust and etc. But now already 3years after accident I'm 31 years old, I still have drinking alcohol, watching blue movies, smoking even I want to let go all of this. I'm very pity to my parents.

I don't know what to do, I really believe in Jesus, I believe I will be heal one day but I'm seeing my circumstances and all unwanted things in my head. I don't know what is a true wonderful life. Pray for me Pastor.


Hello (name removed),

Thank you for writing to us with your questions and concerns. I know we have communicated in the past and remember some of your story about having an accident and becoming paralyzed from the waist down.

I've read your latest email and want to give you some counsel, to try to help you overcome your situation and bring some freedom into your life. As you read my words, know that what I write is in love, concern and compassion, even though some of the words might seem hard.

I have been pondering on your email for the past 24 hours, asking God what He would have me say to you. I trust that what I am about to tell you is by His spirit.

(name removed), you have been terribly hurt by the events in your life. The accident left you feeling hopeless. Somehow in your despair you found Christ. Your family has also become followers of Christ. You have all taken steps to leave your Hindu past behind. This is the best thing that could ever happen to any of you. You are now all free from the slavery of Hinduism and free by the blood of Jesus.

Regarding your own situation, you have a lot going on. You're hurt and frustrated by your physical condition. You've gotten yourself involved in some things that have left scars on your emotions, and maybe even on your physical body, as well as having a large impact on your spiritual life. You're carrying hurt, frustration, anger, bitterness and guilt inside of you. None of this is good and can destroy you, from the inside out.

Today, (name removed), you need to set your feet on a new path. You have walked with your feet on both sides of the fence for too long and it's time to make things right!

We all have things that we have struggled with and maybe even still struggle with, to some degree. Temptations are all around us and we all have to learn to deal with them. Sometimes it easier than others and some things are easier to turn from than others. But in the end, we ultimately have to make a choice as to who we will follow.

God's word is pretty clear when it comes to the choices we make. We will face temptations each and every day of our lives. It's up to us to decide how we will handle those temptations.

Take a look at what this scripture says about it, below:

James 4:7-8 (NKJV) 7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

First, it tells us to submit to God. This means that we must surrender to Him, drop our pride and humble ourselves. When we are proud, it makes it hard to submit to anyone, including to God.

Then, God tells us to resist the devil. So, you see, we have to make a choice to either resist temptation or to give in to it. We are never forced to do anything evil or unpleasing to God. We choose it ourselves!

And if we resist the devil and his temptations, he will have no choice but to flee. He won't stick around if he can't get to us. He'll move on and look for someone else to bother. This is very hard at first. Our flesh is so used to giving in to temptation and being satisfied. So when you make up your mind to start doing the right thing and making the right choices, it will be a fight at first. But the longer you continue to resist, the easier it will become.

Temptation will never go away, and you may slip occasionally and do the wrong thing, but the important thing is that you make a conscious choice to do the right thing and then follow through with that choice and do what's necessary to make the right choices.

So what's the key to making this happen and being successful with it? Draw near to God! The verse above tells us that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. Now... drawing near to God doesn't mean being religious in everything we do and becoming a zealot. It means making a genuine effort to pursue God and grow your relationship with Him in every aspect of your life.

This takes work! It requires sacrifice on our part, to put forth the effort required to strengthen that relationship. It won't happen if we don't try to make it happen.

So in your case, (name removed), it's time to make a change in the choices you make. It's time to resist the devil when he tempts you to drink alcohol, smoke a cigarette or watch bad movies. You have what it takes, with God's help, to do the right thing and make the right choices. You just have to want to! That's the very first step... to want to do the right thing and make the right choices.

If you truly want to change your life, you can. So when you read this, ask yourself "who do I want to please? Do I want to please myself or do I want to please God?". “Do I want to be proud and resist God, or do I want to be humble and embrace Him and what He wants for me in my life?”

So take these things that I've shared with you and ponder on them if you need to. But if you're reading them and they're hitting home with you and you know that God is speaking to you through these words, then don't waste any time. Start right now and ask Him to forgive you and to help you. Pour your heart out to Him if you need to. Let it all out; your frustration, your sorrow, your remorse for the things you've done. Everything.

And then make that fresh start that you need. Start fresh and clean, leaving the old you behind and moving forward with a new outlook and a new determination.

Let us know if you have further questions. We're here for you.

Be strong in Him.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie