How Do I Find God’s Purpose and
Calling For My Life
Question: How do I Find God's Purpose and Calling for My Life?
Hello, God bless! :)
I'm really happy it was these verses this morning, due to the fact that I have been noticing that I'm not quite sure what my purpose or destiny here is.
You see, some of my friends have a special calling God has made to them and they already know what their purpose is. However, I have started asking God to show me what my calling in Him is, why He created me.
I'm not sure if I'm asking the right way, is there a specific way I should be asking for this? Or should I not ask and just wait?
I have another question (I hope I'm not taking much of your time away). I'm currently 19 and I am finished with college, so I have been looking for a closer relationship with God and because of that I decided I don't want to date anyone and set myself aside for the Lord and His service until God brings the man He has for me, but how do I ask for my future husband? And if when I like someone, how will I know it's God's will or timing?
I know you guys are busy and have tons to do, but I've been asking myself this for a couple months now and I haven't got an answer yet. I would really appreciate the help! :)
Thank you soooo much for your time. May God bless you in abundance!!
- your sister in Christ,
(name removed)
Hello (name removed),
Thank you so much for writing to us. We always love hearing from our readers :)
Understanding our purpose and our calling is probably one of the questions we get asked the most. It's something that a lot of people spend a lot of time pondering and seeking God about.
The problem is that people spend so much time "trying" to find "their purpose" that they can actually miss it. The key isn't so much to ask God what your purpose or calling is, but to draw near to Him on a daily basis so that He can use you each and every day, where He needs to use you at that moment. That in itself is part of what God calls each and every one of us to do.
As we press into Him on a daily basis and we grow our relationship with Him, He will bring our "calling" into view and help us to focus on it, a little at a time. It's very rare that people get a sudden revelation of what their calling is and then start moving in it. It's almost always a matter of just walking with God and putting our time and energy into the one-on-one time with Him.
As we do that, we will begin to walk in our gifts and calling, many times without even realizing it until we look back one day and see it all falling into place.
So we need to learn to be content with where God has us now if we want Him to use us more. So rest in Him and don't worry about your calling or purpose. It will all come together for you if you're patient :)
Regarding your decision not to date, we applaud you for that. Too many young people are intent on finding "the one for them", but they spend too much time thinking about it and trying to make it happen. In the meantime, they get their heart broken over and over again because they pursued people instead of waiting on God. Then they have emotional scars that mess them up for years to come.
So as far as asking God for your husband, just tell God that you're trusting Him to bring the right man to you... the one he wants you to spend the rest of your life with. And ask Him to guard your heart and protect it, because the enemy will definitely try to send people your way who will not have your best interests in mind. Stay focused on God and let Him take care of this for you. The right man will come at the right time and if you're focus is on God it will make it easier to recognize that man when he does come.
And be patient! Patience is so important, as is being content. If we can be patient and content, we won't be rushing into things that are not of God. And we won't get ourselves into messes that we have to deal with for months or even years to come.
We hope this helps you and gives you a clearer, better understanding with the questions you had.
Please let us know if you need further help or clarification. We're here to help.
Be blessed and stay strong in Him.
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie